Autumn Bliss

Autumn Bliss


Autumn Bliss is a very colourful and interesting piece of acrylic painting, done with brush and pallet knife, this piece of work has been varnish protected to maintain its quality.

The original piece is on sale and can be purchased by contacting me directly.

Please note : The image on your computer monitor may vary slightly from the appearance of the original painting.

Many thanks for your valued interest in my work and please feel free to browse around, thank you.

Art by Collin A. Clarke

Still Waters

Still Waters

Still Waters is another a very colourful and interesting piece of acrylic painting, done with brush and pallet knife, this piece of work has been varnish protected to maintain its quality.

The original piece is on sale and can be purchased by contacting me directly.

Please note : The image on your computer monitor may vary slightly from the appearance of the original painting.

Many thanks for your valued interest in my work and please feel free to browse around, thank you.

Art by Collin A. Clarke

The long walk to freedom

Mandela Quotes

My great inspiration in life is to see freedom and peace on our planet. For some reason some of us find it very difficult to have the freedom and peace that we all have a right to have.


I myself loves to be at peace and have my own quality of life through freedom. Unfortunately not all of us all living the way they should. 



I find when I paint, I put messages within my work that all of may get inspiration from it. I have chosen to use this original acrylic on canvas painting, a glimpse of autumn and marry it with a beautiful quote from the great Nelson Mandela. 



We all have the right to be at peace and free so here I give to you another exceptional piece of work. By Collin A. Clarke.






Newly uploaded pencil art




Will Smith

Here I have a set of original pencil portraits from my collection.  My first taste of art was drawing with graphite pencils back in school and that feeling I got back then, is still with me and I just can’t stop drawing.  I have chosen a few of my favourite pieces which can be found on my website and my Etsy shop as prints etc and digital download respectively.

Snowy forest

Winter Paintings
Winter Paintings

Original landscape painting of a beautiful and vibrant snowy forest in my series of snow paintings, this has been varnish protected to maintain its quality.

The original is for sale and can be purchased by contacting me directly by email : or through FAA.

Please note : The image on your computer monitor may vary to the original painting.

by Collin A. Clarke

Using your art to help others

This is one of the many drawings I gave to charity.
This is one of the many drawings I gave to charity.

In life we all need a shoulder to cry on.  Some of us are fortunate than others. For most people, we do tremendous things to help the less fortunate to move along in life, whether by simply motivating that person with a bit of encouragement or giving them something to eat.

I have always been motivated by charities and helping people in whatever way I can.  A few years ago when there was the tragedy in Haiti,  I remember feeling down because it doesn’t matter what race you are, these are people and they have suffered tremendously.  I could remember saying to my family and a few friends,  we need to be doing something to help.  I came up with my own charity plans. I started to collected clothing and a few other simple things,  I also got a bucket to collect money, eventually I got about £300 and a few pennies, i can’t remember the exact amount but it felt wonderful to help others.

Now my new and very exciting charity venture has began.  I have been using my art to help the less fortunate.  I am giving some of my artwork to charity. The idea was simple, I needed to help people,  I simply cannot live without it.

I remember when I first went to the YMCA shop to speak to them about giving them something and showing them what I am giving, the surprised look on their faces were priceless.

The first drawing I showed to them was the drawing of Sean Connery 007,  they looked at the drawing and looked back at me, maybe in surprise or looking at the resemblance haha!

Whatever the occasion is to you,  we can all help and be helpful to each other,  the art that we artist do is motivating more people than we think.  It is our duty to share our God given talents.  Whether by starting an art club to teach kids or adults how to express themselves,  which is my next venture. But the bottom line is helping.

We can go into nursing homes,  offering something to help because we are all unique in our own right. So the thought for the day is: Give love,  give life, give art!

Snow Moonlight

Snow Moonlight

The latest masterpiece from my exhibition collection. I labeled this piece, Snow Moonlight.

I wanted to capture a vibrant moonlight from a very cold winter night. An exceptionally created piece with a beautiful atmosphere. By Collin A. Clarke

You can find more of me and my work on:

Path to Freedom

Path to freedom

Path to Freedom

I am self taught and very passionate about my work,  it gives me a great feeling when my art can inspire life and motivate others.

I have chosen a very interesting topic to talk about today which means alot to me and very close to my heart, ‘Path to Freedom’. This piece of work is my favourite piece to date. I got the inspiration to create this from where I grew up in Jamaica. Growing up, every evening at sunset my friends and i used to go to the river to have a nice swim and a bath, sounds strange; but we could have easily stayed home and have a bath but this was how we wanted to do it, this was refreshing and revitalising.

The river we used to go to called; ‘Water Hole’, I could never forget the feeling we got from the way the sunset made us feel. The glaring brilliant brightness of the evening sun through the path gave us a relaxed atmosphere only the feeling of freedom could create.

We should all feel free to express ourselves and never be afraid. As an artist I got discouraged so many times from so many people close to me, it was sometimes hard to comprehend, but I always remember I can’t not do art, this has and will always be my path to freedom, what is yours?

You can find more of me and my work on:

How creativity makes you feel

Being creative can make us all feel different,  simply because we are all different.  If you ask anyone, how does creativity makes you feel?  The answer will vary from person to person.

For me,  creativity come very easy and it makes me feel new each time something creative comes to my mind. I do many things to express my creativity. I paint, I draw,  I take photographs etc.

Being an artist and having a creative outlook on life, everything around me helps in every way.  In a single day there is every opportunity to expand and be creative, whether you’re an artist or postman.

Alot of times people will talk about being stressed.  Sometimes I personally feel this is an excuse.  Everywhere you go these days there is someone talking about being stressed.  For me personally,  there is no time in my day for even entertaining the thought of being stressed or stressed out.

Rather than allowing the mind to think thoughts of stress,  allowing the mind to think creative can counteract negative energies that stops us being creative.  You don’t need to be an artist to be creative,  everyone is creative and we all create on a daily basis,  we just maybe mistake it for something else.

Feel free to let your imagination flow to places you never been before,  don’t get scared of what your thoughts can do for you.  It is all about developing an healthier mind and body,  cancelling negative energies.  Too regularly,  we allow our heart to rule our heads and this should be the other way around.

Create and be creative then you will feel different and most importantly live an healthier lifestyle. You can find more of me and my work on:

You can find more of me and my work on: